11/3 12:00 Heavy Hitters Team Sealed Deck Full Box Event Ticket

Variation Price Qty
11/3 12:00 Heavy Hitters Team Sealed Deck Full Box Event Ticket ¥16,500 184
Tournament Info

3 player team will receive a whole box of Heavy Hitter as their sealed pool on constructed round.One person will represent the team to apply and purchase the event via online.Prize will be given out to each player.


16500JPY per team




Heavy Hitterss team sealed

Prizes(each player)
  • 4 Wins-600 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 3 Wins-320 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 2 Wins-160 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 1 Wins-80 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 0 Wins-40 Prize Wall Tickets
